Monday, August 07, 2006
Day 50 - Wallis Sands Beach, NH -August 7th 2006

Location: Wallis Sands State Beach (Portsmouth), NH (from Manchester, NH)
Miles per day: 53.7
Average miles per hour: 13.65
Elevation: not enough to care.
So these were my initial thoughts "Broom in hand - mission accomplished.... Watch this space for final trip summary. Thanks a ton for all your support. This has been not just one adventure but each and every day was an adventure in itself..."

Sunday, August 06, 2006
Day 49 - Manchester, NH - August 6th 2006

Location: Manchester, NH (from Brattleboro, VT)
Miles per day: 88.6
Average miles per hour:
Elevation climb: 7111 feet (too much climbing)!
Blizzards/Ice Cream to date: 32 (Georgia Mud Fudge 9/10!) Flat Tires to date: 1
So they said today was to be the second toughest day of the trip with numerous climbs, many of them at 13-15% grades. Fear not! Since DAY 1, for me, this trip has been about mental attitude and toughness --- guts, determination and tenacity would get me over the hills. Today was no exception, physically ready or not, I wore my 'Wheaties' socks. They have been my secret weapon for any difficult day (including the 8 Centuries). Knowing I had the socks on, I would make it.

Initially, I scoffed as we started ticking off each of the early morning climbs. Ahead of schedule, we confidently took a Dunkin Donuts coffee break in Keene, NH. However, as the day progressed, I started feeling the pain. But sharing the pain is always best and so we started clinging as a group to the side of these hills.

To my surprise, Irene - one of my very good friends from college was waiting in the Hotel Parking lot. Words can't express having great support of friends and family on this trip. I was completely speechless as she not only tracked me down but had also scouted the local DQ!
The trip still feels like a dream (come true). Time has flown past so quickly. It may take me months to really reflect on the experience. There are times when I can't tell you the hotel or town I was in yesterday or where I am going tomorrow. But then there are times when I can tell you the exact place and moment I saw something happen. It almost feels like a time-warp. Then there's the reality of life. For 50