Thursday, June 22, 2006
Day 4 - Prineville, Oregon - June 22, 2006

Weather: Sunny, clear and low 80s
Location: Prineville, Oregon (from Kah-na-tee, Oregon)
Miles per day: 61.67
Average miles per hour: 11.29
Top Speed: 37.5 MPH
Climb: 3990 feet
Flat tires to date: 1
Blizzards consumed to date: 2
For all those reading this from your desk at work, you may be nauseated to hear that today was just another amazing day of riding and weather. The scenery is oozing of fresh beauty - rolling hills, wildflowers and fresh country air smells. We started out about 7:15am from Kah-na-tee with some early hills taking us out of the canyon. Within 5 miles, we went around a bend to see a team of wild horses thundering past us. The sight and sound was amazing. Within minutes they were up in the mountains.
Up on the plains, you could see for 'miles and miles and miles' (you know the song). Out in the distance, there were the snow capped mountain ranges (Mount Jefferson amongst the most beautiful). On a side note, for safety, no one in the group is allowed to wear ipods. Some are struggling with the silence of many miles of road. Although most of us have started singing in our heads all songs of course related to travel. One that keeps popping into my head is 'Whoa, you are half way there, living on a prayer.' Bonjovi. 'Life is a winding road'.... 'Driving (riding) my life away, looking for a better way' (Kenny Loggins)...
So I am told that with the miles we are doing, the average person burns 6,000 to 8000 calories per day. Naturally, that leads to an excuse to stop at evey Dairy Queen in sight. As we pulled into Prineville, we spotted one! Consumed 1 Cookie Dough Blizzard. Delicious.
Thinking how could things get any better, we exited to the parking lot to find my first flat tire. The two of us together both had flats - bad luck in some respect but we were within 1 mile of the hotel. On the positive side, I learned to fix a flat (a first for me) and something I have been very anxious about. All in all, a good experience without the stress of miles or bad weather.
We topped off the evening dropping in on the 'Crooked River Roundup' Kickoff Festival with an outdoor band playing 'Sweet Home Alabama'. Lots of real Cowboys. Another great day.
Tomorrow: 5:30 AM start and 117 miles and 5500 feet climb - perhaps some sympathy... I will need all I can get.