Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Day 8 - Boise, Idaho - - June 26th 2006

Weather: Sunny, 90s
Location: Boise, Idaho (from Ontario, Oregon)
Miles per day: 67.57 (should have been 62)
Average miles per hour: 12.83
Flat Tires to date: 1
Blizzards/Ice Creams consumed to date: 6
We crossed into Idaho today, a milestone! It was a relatively easy ride, apart from the numerous turns leaving ample opportunity to get lost (and put a few extra miles in).
I have now developed a daily strategy: Get out early, peddle hard the first 50% and coast in. This creates ample opportunity to meet fellow riders (as they pass me). My favourite morning group is the Pace Team headed by Essex, UK Peter. He's an amazing rider with great form and usually is pulling a pace group of 6-10 riders. I, of course, feebly try to challenge them. Usually burns my thighs out within seconds but provides me a good laugh for the day. As the day progresses, I lag behind picking up the Three Amigos (3 friends from Sacramento, CA). As they pass me, they generously toss me a power bar and words of inspiration. Finally, I join the Scenic Group (our views are rarely obstructed by other riders and we look for any excuse to stop!).
As I drift along, I begin to focus on observing every detail of every mile. I am amazed at the roadside finds which include interesting roadkill (deer, snakes, raccoons, badgers, skunks, chipmunks and various birds) along with numerous lost action figure toys (usually decapitated) and various coins. At one point, I found 3 dimes within 3 miles and began to think I could fund the trip through collecting coins. Luck has ran out with no significant finds within the last few days. But with a day off, I have some luck as I am desperate to rest!