Saturday, July 22, 2006
Day 34 - Fond Du Lac, WI (from The Dells) - July 22nd 2006

Location: FonduLac, WI (from The Dells)
Miles per day: 82.7
Average miles per hour: 13.32
Elevation climb:
Blizzards/Ice Cream to date: 25 (count 1 Famous Wisconsin Frozen Custard)
Flat Tires to date: 1

At the final sag, we were directed to a Dairy Queen which turned out to be closed due to a fire. We wandered off route into the town centre of Ripon for lunch and a history lesson.

Ripon is where the Republican Party was founded in 1852 fusing the Whig Party and Free Soil Party 'to unite together anti-slavery elements'. In relation to today's Immigrant discussions, it is perhaps most interesting that the drive for the creation of the Republican Party of 1850s was "the measure denying noncitizen immigrants the right to vote or hold office. Wisconsin was in the midst of rapid settlement by European immigrants". A hot topic both now and then! In 1856, the first convention was held with Abraham Lincoln attending. Only an observation, the building was in disrepair and closed. With a bikers' agreement not to discuss politics, we quickly moved on to the more important discussion of the day: 'how much weight have you lost?'. A few in the group are looking slim but a bit like politics , we still could not get the facts straight!

Following that we cranked out 20 miles to Fond Du Lac (French meaning: Bottom of the Lake (Winnebago)). We had a quick celebration for Ilkka who became a grandfather (again) today with a baby girl, Zara. I was long overdue for laundry and conveniently enough, there was a SHOOTERS which is a laundromat and Pub...