Thursday, July 27, 2006
Day 39 - Port Huron - July 27th 2006

Weather: Cloudy (no rain)
Location: Port Huron (from Birch Run, MI)
Miles per day: 87
Average miles per hour: 14.03
Elevation climb: Negligible
Blizzards/Ice Cream to date: 29 (Georgia Mud Fudge - Great!)
Flat Tires to date: 1

With slight overcast, our day was brightened up by the big watertower! A work of art. We started out early with the intention of getting 60 miles in by noon ( a trial run for the final day o

The potholes and roads continue to be dire. I will not miss cycling in Michigan (as pictured here). Miles and miles of bumps.
Port Huron is, of course, on Lake Huron. In terms of Freighter traffic, it is one of the busiest places in the world. It is also 'boyhood home' to Thomas Edison. Tomorrow we head across the border to Canada.