Friday, July 28, 2006
Day 40 - London, Canada - July 28th 2006

Location: London, Canada (from Port Huron, MI)
Miles per day: 79.8
Average miles per hour: 16.54
Elevation climb: None (flatter than a pancake!)
Blizzards/Ice Cream to date: 30 (Mud Fudge, again!)...
Flat Tires to date: 1
Excellent day! We departed the hotel at 7:15 am with van escorts over the Blue Water Bridge into Canada with the bridge authorities stopping traffic to ensure our safety. As a group, we all wore our 'America By Bike' shirts and it looked quite impressive as we enjoyed the luxury of a traffic-free bridge cycling. With giant kingpins (see photo), we walked our bikes in a few places. Remarkably, we kept together for about another 10 miles. With terrain that was flatter than a pancake, it was again a very easy day. I practiced speed workouts over the day and came in with my best time yet (16.54 average).

With such a quick speed, I took a few time outs, including a blueberry picking excursion at the Olde Drive Blueberry Farm in Mt Brydges. They said due to the weather (lots of rain and hot weather), it was one of the best seasons in a few years. Here Bill poses with the Degroots!