Sunday, July 30, 2006
Day 42 - Niagara Falls, NY - July 30th 2006

Weather: Sunny 90
Location: Niagara Falls, NY (from Brantford, Canada)
Miles per day: 71.9
Average miles per hour:
Elevation climb:
Blizzards/Ice Cream to date: 30
Flat Tires to date: 1
With the anticipation of a well needed rest day and seeing Niagara Falls, we set off early and pedaled hard to get to our destination. Of course, as usual, interesting sites during the day slowed us down. Below is the 'Comfort Maple', which is believed to be the oldest and finest maple tree in Canada (located in the Town of Pelham) and estimated to be 500 years old. Terrain was once again flat, although there was a 12% hill to remind us that Vermont Hills will be coming soon. Canada farms shifted to growing Pears, Apples and Tomatoes. Compared to USA standards (especially Michigan), the farms look very wealthy.

Throughout the trip, we are often amused and left mulling for hours by quotes we see (often in the middle of nowhere).

As we came along Fallsview Boulevard, there was no doubt as to what we were looking at... A breathtaking sight, especially having pedaled over 3000 miles to see them. With just one week to go on this trip, emotions are growing strong (and weak) - seeing such sights can really move one to

After 'valeting' our bikes, we then ducked in for Lunch at TGI Friday's Niagara Falls. For our herculean efforts of cycling, we were treated to team shirts (proudly worn below). We then made a run for the border to New York!