Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Day 44 - Henrietta, NY - August 1st 2006

Location: Henrietta, NY (from Niagara Falls, NY)
Miles per day: 80.1 plus additional 11
Average miles per hour: 14.34
Elevation climb: Very little
Blizzards/Ice Cream to date: 31 (sadly there may be no more DQs... may lose weight just yet!)
Flat Tires to date: 1

Some days are better than others.... This was no 'some day' but rather an 'other day'. We had a great start and were head of the pack at 9:30 with 30 miles completed. With a complicated cue sheet (lots of streets) and with one wrong turn, we were lost for 11 miles and back of the pack for the rest of the day. Initially, my mental state was completely depleted on realising my mistake. The heart sinks and one who makes such a mistake can only dig deep, accept and suck it up. There is no easy fix. Rather the only answer is to take a deep breath and pedal onward. That is what I did. We pumped out the additional 11 in very hot humid conditions. In the end, we came in about 3pm with a good average miles per day, despite the extra miles.

Now that we are in NY, traffic has really picked up. We are managing to attract the rowdies and reckless. With just 6 riding days, our focus is to be safe and that is getting harder. Helmets are firmly on the head and we are as far to the right as possible. Keep your fingers crossed for us.
On reflection and apart from the unexpected extra miles, it was an enjoyable day. Following a day off, I felt pretty strong. Add in a tailwind and relatively flat terrain (yet again), I can't complain too much.